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Red Apple

Starting in January 2018 we will be offering our Brand New Course for 2 year olds called Red Apple.

Enjoying lessons with a parent, the child’s interests in music will grow. The lesson focuses on encouraging “listening” through musical activities like singing, moving body and playing rhythm.

Through various musical experiences like listening, singing and rhythms in lessons, children will develop an approach on how to “listen” to the music.
“Listening to the music with concentration” will be one of the most important foundations in the future to get interested in and enjoy music.

This course is for : A 2-year-old with a parent

• Form of lesson: Group lesson with up to 8 children with their parents
• Lesson period: One Year
• Lesson duration: 40 min./lesson

Get in touch today on 01283 534922 for any questions and booking information.

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