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December ABRSM Results are in!



Well Done to the following pupils who recently took their Grade Exams with the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music

A great set of results – we are proud of you all


Grade 1:  Passed: Roman Savage, Ebony Bannister, Isaac Leahy, Betsy-Willow Eley, Hollie Allen, Emily Bull. Passed with Merit: Daisy Driscoll, Jessica Heaton, Katie Lloyd, Blythe Wroughton, Kannedi Ude. Passed with Distinction: Eric Zheng, Billy Meer.

Grade 2: Passed: Daniel Wallwork, Sophie Mundin, Scarlett Morris, Jessica Stokes-Barrett, Lewis Whotton, Olivia Reynolds, Emma Statham, Alice Buckton-Hart, Caden Jones. Passed with Merit: Jasmine Bamford, Emily Monk, Thea Banks, Vanesa Annika Safare, Eamon Alsaffar.

Grade 5: Passed: Kayra Tiwaquen.


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