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Exam Success for PFK Students!

Following examinations that took place on Sunday & Monday, we are pleased to announce the results from our Trinity Yamaha Exams, with a 100% pass rate! Congratulations to all candidates from both our Burton & Tamworth schools!



Grade 1

With Merit: Bria Calvert, Rose Hetherington & Noah Evans

With Distinction: Seth Wardle & Zoe Jarvis

Grade 2

With Merit: Jedidiah Owen, Emma Brewer

With Distinction: Jasmin Bowley, Leah Jones & Radhika Lakhotia


Grade 1

Stanley Mathers, Isaac Durbridge, Holly Preston. Harry Burton, Mischa Barrs & Thomas Preston

With Merit: Olanna Robertson, Beatrix Jervis, Maisie Watson & Kayleigh Mead

With Distinction: Katie Lawrence

Grade 3

With Merit: Wayne Tong, Aaron McCullough & Milly Shaw

With Distinction: Kieran Hodson & Catherine Williams, Ben Shingleton & Jacob Edwards

Grade 5

With Merit: Jennifer Fallon



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